Digestive Disturbances
Dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, bloatiness, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain and stomach pain are common symptoms of digestive disturbances. The latter are associated with a large number of conditions depending on the organ diseased and they are separated to a) oesophangeal: oesophangitis, gastric reflux, achalasia, Barret’s syndrome etc., b) gastric: gastritis, gastric ulceration, hiatus hernia etc., c) intestinal: IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), diverticulitis, enteritis, ileitis, coeliac disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, heamorrhoids etc.
Therapeutic Approach
In many of the above disturbances there is the need of diagnosis and clinical co-evaluation by a specialist gastroenterologist, and possibly a radiologist, for the prognosis of the condition, before the patient is involved in complementary or alternative (if applicable) therapeutic measures. This is achieved by the manipulation of the dietary habits of the patient. In some cases the clinician may use manipulative treatment* and/or acupuncture for pain relief.
Note: in acute phase or infection manual therapy or any dietary manipulation is avoided. If metastasis or neoplasm is suspected the patient is immediately referred.